~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it's all about the love~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fabulous video, fabulous memories

My favourite band is 30 Seconds to Mars and yes, Jared Leto is the lead singer and also, yes, he is an actor.  Sorry - I was just answering the questions that people usually ask - I missed a statement they usually say though "never head of 'em".  Oh well.  They do exist and I saw them at least 12 times in 2010...hmm, could have been more actually.  I was working around some major depression and going to the shows made me happy so hubby just let me do it - I only say that because he's the working man in the family so logically it would be him letting me go with regards to the finances but in reality, he never "lets" me do anything. :P

But I digress... The first video is very special to me because it involves a lot of the concerts I went to.  Jared made us sing the chorus over and over and over again to get it right - can you say perfectionist? :)  I can even pick myself out in various quick scenes.

The second video is just one I filmed - it's one of my fave songs on the new album (which by the way, my voice is on as well since I attended the "recording sessions").  You'll have to excuse the sound quality of the video - it was my first time using the camera and I kept putting my finger over the mic when I'd zoom.  And in case you don't know the band, Jared's brother, Shannon, is the drummer.

The 3rd video is an acoustic of Jared (also one I shot from the front of the barrier - so it's a little shaky) - the light sucks but they always do that blue light thing for his solos.  It's still pretty though, right?  It was shot in Vancouver.

Hope you enjoy. :)

Friday, June 17, 2011


This is the pretty picture that my "letter-writer" chose and in turn, I chose to write about.  Pretty good inspiration, right?  Especially for a self-proclaimed rock star groupie.  I'm really hoping to finish it today so I can send it off to be beta-ed. *crosses fingers*  It's going to be nerve-wracking taking the final step and sending it to the mod at the group, but I'm determined to get past that anxiety and just do it. :P

Eventually my posts will get more personal but I'm working up to that.
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A new beginning

Hello and welcome to my first blog ever. :)  I've titled this A New Beginning because for me it is.  I've blogged before on LiveJournal and even written a whole lot of slash over there, but now I'm trying to branch out and make a new place for myself.  I hope you'll come along for the ride.

My blog will consist of updates on what I'm doing, how I'm feeling, things in the present, things in the past, things I like, things that piss me off, and more than likely a bunch of whining and ranting on occasion.  I'm currently trying to break into the m/m romance publishing world but as of yet, haven't had the courage to submit anything to be published.  BUT my first foray into the unknown has finally begun.

I'm a member of the m/m romance group on GoodReads and I've recently put myself on the line to actually show people an example of my original writing.  Talk about nerve-wracking and heart attack-inducing.  It's called Hot July Days and here's the premise:  people from the group post a pic and write a letter to an unknown author to have them write a story.  The stories will all go into an anthology at the end.  I've posted a pic before and had the lovely Selah March write me a beautiful story, but low and behold, this time I volunteered to actually write one.  What was I thinking?

The subject is something near and dear to my heart -- being a middle-aged groupie for the past few years -- rock stars.  At the moment I have about 5,600 words written and I'm not quite done - trying to decide if the ending needs a big, gratuitous sex scene or if I can tone it down a bit and still get some steam.  The deadline is June 21st so wish me luck and thanks for stopping by.

PS - if anyone has any suggestions on how to "pretty up" this blog, I'd really appreciate the help. :D