Anyhow, I got an email from ARE saying Unbreak My Heart had made the list of the top 50 bestsellers, and I nearly hit the floor. I believe that I sat and looked at my computer screen in confusion for a few minutes until it finally hit me, and then I was high for the rest of the day.
I don't know if it was the fact it had only been released five days prior or that I'd never had anything on the list before. Maybe it was recognition for the work I'd done since Unbreak literally wrung me out sometimes during the process. Brett was a dear but draining character to write, and I've heard from a few people that they liked the realness of both his grief and his relationship with JT. That makes me feel exceptionally good especially since I worried that I'd gone too far with Brett's pain, too deep and engrained, and I'm sure some people will think that the book was too angsty or depressing. But I think I can handle that if-when- it comes along because I feel really good about what I wrote now.

Here's a couple of buy links for Unbreak My Heart, just in case anyone's looking for it. ;) And the link to S.J. Frost's blog. Take care & I'll see you on Sunday. :)
S.J. Frost - book tour post
Amber Allure link
All Romance Ebooks link